Crossroads Trading Co Seattle WA
4300 University Way NE
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Crossroads Trading Co Seattle WA

Crossroads Trading Co Seattle WA in 4300 University Way NE in Seattle WA is a Women's Clothing Store

Phone: 206 632 3111

4300 University Way NE Seattle WA WA, USA
Crossroads Trading Co is a Women's Clothing Store. You can visit our store at 4300 University Way NE Seattle WA today. Catalog, prices, GPS: Lat 47.65992 Long -122.31283. Our phone number is 206 632 3111. Crossroads Clothing Exchange, a store that buys and sells used clothing, moved from its Capital Hill location to a much larger space in the University District in late 2008. The store is essentially the same, but the new location is much easier to peruse—essential for a used clothing store. Gone are the too-tightly crammed overhead racks, now replaced by shoulder-level straight and circular racks categorizing items by size, color, and type of garment. The store's wares are very current, gently used merchandise from clothing labels favored by students of the nearby University of Washington: Abercrombie & Fitch, Joe's Jeans, Juicy Couture, and many more. The prices are a bit steep for secondhand merchandise, but worth it if you'd rather not root endlessly through unorganized piles of clothes or cramped racks. - Katie Kinney
Street Address
4300 University Way NE
206 632 3111
Opening hours
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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