Janet Russo New York NY
262 Mott St
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Janet Russo New York NY

Janet Russo New York NY in 262 Mott St in New York NY is a Women's Clothing Store

Phone: 212 625 3297

262 Mott St New York NY NY, USA
Janet Russo is a Women's Clothing Store. You can visit our store at 262 Mott St New York NY today. Catalog, prices, GPS: Lat 40.72371 Long -73.9945. Our phone number is 212 625 3297. Located in the heart of trendy Nolita, Janet Russo is a cozy, warm and welcoming shop with a vintage feel. Clothes are gently piled on antique tables, and the selection of knitted baby hats looks like your grandmother might have made them. Best known for delicate silk and chiffon women's dresses in whimsical and floral prints, owner Janet Russo also offers miniature purses in gem tones, feminine lingerie, and delicate jewelry. Prices are a bit high, but the interesting selection makes it absolutely worth it.
Street Address
262 Mott St
212 625 3297
Opening hours
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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