Katie May Los Angeles CA
117 W 9th St Ste 815
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Katie May Los Angeles CA

Katie May Los Angeles CA in 117 W 9th St Ste 815 in Los Angeles CA is a Bridal Shop

Phone: 213 892 1478

117 W 9th St Ste 815 Los Angeles CA CA, USA
Katie May is a Bridal Shop. You can visit our store at 117 W 9th St Ste 815 Los Angeles CA today. Catalog, prices, GPS: Lat 34.041977 Long -118.25518. Our phone number is 213 892 1478. Katie May recently opened their bridal salon, located in the heart of Los Angeles' Garment District, offering a selection of backless gowns exquisite in aesthetic, quality, and construction. Each gown is built to accentuate the female form - executed through meticulous construction and tailoring. Handmade by the finest artisans in Los Angeles using the highest quality of materials sourced around the world to ensure satisfaction with each gown created.
Street Address
117 W 9th St Ste 815
213 892 1478
Opening hours
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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