Made Well LA Los Angeles CA
4953 Hollywood Blvd
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Made Well LA Los Angeles CA

Made Well LA Los Angeles CA in 4953 Hollywood Blvd in Los Angeles CA is a Women's Clothing Store

Phone: 323 747 8008

4953 Hollywood Blvd Los Angeles CA CA, USA
Made Well LA is a Women's Clothing Store. You can visit our store at 4953 Hollywood Blvd Los Angeles CA today. Catalog, prices, GPS: Lat 34.101895 Long -118.297582. Our phone number is 323 747 8008. Dedicated to provide you with the best private label garment and apparel manufacturing. Based in Los Angeles, Ca, Made-Well-LA is a full package, private label garment and apparel manufacturer whose main goal is to provide companies with the apparel and designs they are looking for with their clothing lines. All of the garment and apparel manufactured by Made-Well-LA is done in house, and also made in the United States. Because of this, we have the ability to produce and manufacture any type of garment and apparel that a clothing company would want to utilize. With over 25 years of experience in the garment and apparel industry, Made-Well-LA has the experiences in both development and manufacturing, as well as forming quality relationships with our customers. Because of our business, we keep everything discrete for our customers. Please call us to make an appointment so we can get your design and manufacturing started!apparel sewing, Sewing Contractor, apparel manufacturer, men's clothing manufacturer, clothing logistics, clothing designs, clothes manufacturer, clothing designer, apparel, fabric sourcing, kid's clothing manufacturer, clothing grading, manufacturing services, fashion design services, clothing patterns, women's clothing manufacturer, fashion and apparel, clothing design, athletic apparel, clothing manufacturing services, apparel cutting, trend forecasting, Clothing manufacturer, fashion design
Street Address
4953 Hollywood Blvd
323 747 8008
Opening hours
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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