Pendleton Eugene OR
248 E 5th St, Ste 14
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Pendleton Eugene OR

Pendleton Eugene OR in 248 E 5th St, Ste 14 in Eugene OR is a Women's Clothing Store

Phone: 541 344 1248

248 E 5th St, Ste 14 Eugene OR OR, USA
Pendleton is a Women's Clothing Store. You can visit our store at 248 E 5th St, Ste 14 Eugene OR today. Catalog, prices, GPS: Lat 44.054185 Long -123.088928. Our phone number is 541 344 1248. Setting the standard for classic American style, Pendleton is a lifestyle brand recognized worldwide as a symbol of American heritage, authenticity and craftsmanship. With six generations of family ownership, since 1863, the company celebrates 155 years of weaving fabric in the Pacific Northwest in 2018. Known for fabric innovation, Pendleton owns and operates two of America's remaining woolen mills, constantly updating them with state-of-the-art looms and eco-friendly technology. Inspired by its heritage, the company designs and produces apparel for men and women, blankets and accessories, home decor and gifts. Pendleton is available through select retailers in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Japan, Korea and Australia as well as Pendleton stores, company catalogs and direct-to-consumer channels, including the Pendleton website:
Street Address
248 E 5th St, Ste 14
541 344 1248
Opening hours
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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