Umba Boulder CO
2043 Broadway St
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Umba Boulder CO

Umba Boulder CO in 2043 Broadway St in Boulder CO is a Women's Clothing Store

Phone: 303 442 2059

2043 Broadway St Boulder CO CO, USA
Umba is a Women's Clothing Store. You can visit our store at 2043 Broadway St Boulder CO today. Catalog, prices, GPS: Lat 40.01862 Long -105.28063. Our phone number is 303 442 2059. Fueled with the passion of travel, music and art, we started vending at music festivals selling imports and Umbas design line. Now, we have evolved into a women's and men's clothing store where we support over 100 local artists. We seek to find festival clothing that inspires and embodies comfort as well as our unique, artistic expression. Our boho clothing store includes but is not limited to yoga pants, hot yoga pants, bell bottoms, dance pants, tribal, burning man festival clothing, festival clothing, yoga leggings, jewelry, and much more. Umba means "sisters" in Balinese and "the process of creation" in Swahili. Come and stop in our store or shop online to embody "Umba" today.
Street Address
2043 Broadway St
303 442 2059
Opening hours
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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